Blue Moon Belgian White is a popular American craft beer, renowned for its distinctive, complex flavor profile and high-quality ingredients. Introduced by Blue Moon Brewing Co. in 1995, this wheat ale is inspired by Belgian brewing traditions, featuring an unfiltered base that creates a cloudy, light golden color. Key tasting notes include sweet, tart Valencia orange peel and coriander, delivering a balanced citrus and spice blend, complemented by a creamy, smooth finish due to the use of oats in the brewing process. Its full-bodied, yet refreshing, taste has garnered it a substantial following and multiple accolades in the craft beer world. Typically served with a slice of orange to accentuate the fruity overtones, Blue Moon Belgian White is an approachable choice for both newcomers and seasoned beer connoisseurs alike.
Volume | 330ml |
ABV | 5.4% |
Type | Belgian |
Brand | Blue Moon |
Country | United States |
Blue Moon Belgian White offers refreshing taste notes of citrusy orange peel, sweet and tart wheat, coriander spice, and a hint of creamy vanilla.
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